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TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room - THE MOVIE

劇場版『TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~』

The 70th floor of a Yokohama skyscraper is ablaze with 193 lives trapped inside. MER rolls into action determined to save everyone.

Winning “Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022” and “Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards”, TV series “TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room" first aired in 2021 on TBS.
The protagonist is MER ("Mobile Emergency Room"), a team of emergency professionals on wheels formed by the Tokyo governor with one mission only: to prevent a single death. Tasked with rushing to the scene of major accidents, disasters, and crimes, MER is armed with state-of-the-art medical equipment, a mobile operating room, and an elite staff ready to risk all to save lives.

★Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022 (“TOKYO MER” TV series)

★Ryohei Suzuki / Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards (“TOKYO MER” TV series)

TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room

TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~

Kota Kitami, a brilliant young ER doctor, has been handpicked by Mayor Azusa Akatsuka to head a new emergency response team dubbed TOKYO Mobile Emergency Room, or MER, outfitted with leading-edge medical technology and a large mobile operating theatre to respond to major accidents, natural disasters, and other emergencies. Their mission is simple: Save every life. Team member Nao Otowa, sent by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on a secret mission, ends up forming a close professional bond with Kota, and together the two men put their lives on the line every day to rescue others. But perhaps there’s more to Kota’s superhuman bravery and self-sacrifice than meets the eye...

경이적인 구명 기술을 가진 응급의사 기타미 코타는 도쿄지사의 명령으로 신설된 구명 응급팀 TOKYO MER의 리더.
최신 의료기기와 수술실을 탑재한 대형차량으로 재해와 사건 사고 현장으로 달려가 부상자를 치료한다.
“한 명도 사망자를 내지 않는 것”이 그들에게 내려진 미션이다.
의사 오토와 나오는「TOKYO MER」의 정식인가 거부를 위해 장관이 파견한 스파이였다. 하지만, 두 사람은 어느덧 의기투합하여 최고의 동료가 되어간다.
「기다리기만 한다면 생명은 구할 수 없다」라는 강한 신념으로 그 어떤 현장에서도 중상의 환자에게 달려가는 기타미. 그 장렬한 각오와 구명에 대한 집념의 이면에는 무엇이 있을까?

擁有驚人急救醫術的超級急救醫,喜多見幸太為東京都知事下令新設之專業急救團隊「TOKYO MER」的隊長。
團員之一的醫生・音羽尚為厚生勞動省的官員,因厚生勞動大臣之令加入團隊為的是阻止「TOKYO MER」被正式核准,也就是個間諜的身分,但和喜多見在工作上逐漸互相理解,而成為最佳合作拍檔。

  • Science
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Black Forceps


A medical thriller based on Takeru Kaido's novel, Black Forceps 1988, protagonist Seishiro Tokai is a surgical genius whose perfect operational success rate has earned him the monikier, “The Demon of O.R.” at the Tojo University Hospital, a name that also points to his overbearing and solitary personality. He is countered by a rookie physician, Gonta Takashina, who comes to the hospital from a different medical university advocating hard for cutting edge medical technology that promises to render individual differences in surgical skill obsolete and level the playing field among surgeons. Naturally, a battle brews Takashina and Tokai who is adverse to the idea of machines taking over surgical procedures, particularly with regard to cardiac surgery. Tokai also confronts a powerful university hospital system that is rife with jealousies and political intrigue, and seeks to expose a hidden past and new technology corruption scandal in this highly entertaining medical drama.


원작은 가이도 타케루의 소설「블랙 페앙 1988」
수술성공률 100%를 자랑하고“수술실의 악마”라 불리우는 고고한 천재외과의 도카이 세이시로는 도죠대학병원에 근무하는 안하무인 외과의사다.
한편, 타대학출신의 신참의사 다카시나 곤타는「외과의사의 기술을 전혀 필요로 하지 않는」최신의료기구의 사용을 추진하려고 한다. 기량에 좌우되지 않고 누구라도 사용할 수 있는 심장수술용 의료기구에 외과의로서 수술공정의 일부를 기계에 맡기는 것에 반대하는 도카이의 싸움이 시작된다. 도카이는 질투가 소용돌이치는 대학병원이라는 거대한 조직과 맞서며 신기술 도입을 둘러싼 갖가지 부정과 은폐된 과거를 폭로해간다. 통쾌한 의료엔터테인먼트 드라마.
